OPEN CALL · Closed
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Casa d’Artistes is an artistic residence managed by the Es FAR Cultural association, a country house located 4 km from the village of Es Mercadal (Menorca) where the organization and residents cohabit and share the work spaces.


Es Far Cultural is a non-profit association with the aim of social and cultural revitalization through the values of singularity, identity and heritage. We work to promote contemporary art, society and culture. We promote the exchange of values and restore spaces for thought. We do this through the F.A.R axes (Formation, Arts and Research) that are activated by the realization of art and research residence projects. Also through the creation and dissemination of cultural and contemporary art projects. The formats can be roaming residences, exhibitions, festivals, workshops, the Ràdio Far Menorca project, etc.



The call is aimed at cultural workers of the arts, culture and thought in general: artists in the field of visual arts, performing arts, cinema, writing, music and other sonorities, research, curators, artistic education, etc.

We are particularly interested in projects with critical and constructive approaches, those that are delighted in knowing and relating to the local context from curiosity and non-judge. Also those who propose alternative narratives by hybridizing topics of interest and/or experimenting with formats and languages.


The selection of 2 cultural workers is planned to make a residence in Casa d’Artistes (Es Mercadal) from 8 to 27 March 2023 (19 nights).



  • Accommodation (rated at 460 € per month) in Casa d’Artistes. It includes fully equipped room. Also shared spaces like kitchen, bathroom, living room and library.
  • Honoraries of 250 € (included tax). It is indispensable to submit an invoice.
  • Workspaces. All workspaces are shared (polyvalent workshop, coworking space, etc.)
  • If artists come without a car, the organization will pick up the artists in Es Mercadal on the day of their arrival.
  • Broadcast via the web and social networks.


Artists commitment

  • The artists will always have a purpose of research or creation related to the project they are working.
  • The artists agree to participate in an activity open to the public. In this event, it will show the project (in process or finished) developed during the residency period. It can take different formats such as: ephemeral exhibition with a presentation, generate a dialogue space with the artist around the project, workshops, performances, etc. The event will be accomplish during the period of residence and will be coordinated with Es FAR Cultural.
  • The artists must have the ability to invoice fees, either as a freelance person, through cooperative or other formats.
  • The artists will secure their participation during the scheduled (not deferable) dates. Therefore, they will have 3 days to accept or refuse the residence through the formal acceptance document that will facilitate the organization.
  • Any other expense (travels, allowances, production of work…) will be borne by the artist.
  • The artists accept the terms of the call and the rules of residence.



You must fill out the form and attach a dossier in a single pdf document (10 MB maximum)


The document index will be as follows:

  • Briefly motivating letter where the work to be developed is presented. It can be a new project or a work in progress. Maximum 300 words.
  • Statement of your art artistic practice.
  • Artistic curriculum (can be in CV format or written biography).
  • Dossier of recent work. If possible, web links and/or social networks. Maximum 10 pages.



Period for submitting applications: 2-14 February 2023

Deadline: February 14th at 23.59 am

Resolution: 15-17 February 2023

Residence Acceptance: from 18 to 20 February 2023

Residence period: from 8 to 27 March 2023